Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Social Reasons for Donating a Vehicle

Many people ask why about most things in their lives, especiallywhen it comes to a sacrifice that they must make. One of theseaspects in life includes work done for noble causes. Thisincludes donations, charity work and volunteer work for thegreater good. Many people need to see on paper why they shoulddo such a thing like donate their car. There are social reasonsas well as personal reasons that you will want to donate a car.Read below for more.
The Social Reasons for Donating a Vehicle
The social reasons for car donations are innumerable. There areso many services that are available to the community when carsare donated. Volunteers of America has a Vehicle DonationProgram that is dedicated to helping the community through thecharitable donation of cars.
Volunteers of America offers children and youth services thatare built for the purpose of protecting children, teenagers andfamilies. There are also elderly services that offer retirementcommunities, meal programs and assisted living programs.
In addition to these, there are also emergency services,homeless services, and housing services that benefit fromsomething as simple as donating a car. The goal is to reach outto the community and to keep the hungry fed and housed. Thehousing services help individuals who may never consider owninga home become first time homebuyers.
The Personal Reasons for Donating a Vehicle
There are many personal reasons to donate the car, boat, RV, SUVor other vehicle. The first is the sense that you have donesomething good for someone else. The feeling you have donesomething for the community will give you a greater sense ofconnection within the community.
Also, the process is much easier than trying to sell a carwhether through a car company or through for sell by owner.There is also the financial aspect. Donating a car can be a nicetax write off and you can often save more off of taxes than youcould actually sell the car for

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